The Whole Universe Is His Pillow

In Matthew 8:18-27 we see Jesus in a crowd. Because of the multitudes, He decides to go to the other shore and tells His disciples to prepare their boat for departure. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, a scribe approaches Jesus and expresses his willingness to follow Him wherever He goes. Jesus does not rebuke the man, but He does tell him what he cannot expect if he really followed Him:

Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.

A few moments later, Jesus and His disciples leave the shore. And just sentences later, we read that the situation had changed dramatically:

Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.

There are only 4 verses between Jesus saying that He had no place to lay His head and then actually laying His head down and sleeping completely relaxed in the middle of an extremely dangerous storm. I believe this teaches us two things:

First, Jesus has no place to lay His head. Instead, He has Someone where He can relax, lean back, and sleep peacefully even in the most difficult circumstances. He knows His Father well enough and has experienced His abundant love and protection to such an extent that He has no trouble falling asleep in the midst of the storm.

Second, Jesus does not have a single static place to lay His head. Instead, He has an entire universe that fells “homey” because the Father in the heavens pervades even the farthest corners of all the galaxies.

My prayer is that we would all learn to rest in the love of the Triune God, just as Jesus had learned (and apparently practiced routinely).

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